Tech News

Update with what's going in Tech world.

As you might have heard, Borderlands has a nasty bug. It only affects players that go into online play right now, so it’s pretty clear what you should do if you care about y
our game–stay off multiplayer!

Basically what can happen (not all players are affected) is that when your leave a multiplayer game your characters stats will be wiped. You’ll keep you money and your weapons, but the weapons proficiencies and skill points that you built up will be lost. The characters name will also be set to its default. It’s pretty serious, in a game-breaking sort of way. The issue is that not only do you lose your skills points but if you are far enough into the game that this matters then the loss of those skills will be damaging enough that you can’t really keep playing. Plus at that point the jump from one level to the next is much more than it is earlier in the game.

Giant Bomb has details on the 10/30 patch. A number of issues were addressed, but the lost skill points and corrupt save files that some users are encountering were not.

Supposedly the issue isn’t too widespread, but a look online would suggest otherwise.

And here is a shot from one of my profiles:

 Personally, I saw the patch this morning, assumed multiplayer was safe, and hopped on. And, yes, all my skill points were lost. I have other profiles, but this is still very disappointing. This happened on the Xbox 360, but all versions are affected.


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