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If you’re one of those paranoid people looking for a way to avert, deviate or at the very least detect those prying eye, then Chinavasion’s Spy Wi-Fi Signal and Camera Lens Detector is just what the doctor ordered. This ‘counter-camera’ device is designed to be able to detect camera lenses with IR sensors.
I’m not sure what you’d do once you do, maybe close the curtains, but that’s one of its primary functions.

The second function, as the name denotes, is to detect any wireless signal being emitted between the frequency ranges of 1 - 6500MHz. With this device you can located all hidden cameras and Wi-Fi signals emitting in a given area with its proximity detection system and well, I’m not sure what you’d do with that information exactly unless you were cheating on your wife in a sleazy hotel, So cheaters beware the Spy Wi-Fi Signal and Camera Lens Detector. It runs on two AA batteries and is made from moulded plastic. This little peeper pointer is priced at just $40 which isn’t too bad a deal to pay for a little privacy.


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