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The $1000 Keyboard - Optimus Maximus

Posted by Dark Legion 9/23/2009

Well, everybody is crazy about the Optimus Maximus Keyboard and it is quite easy to understand why. The only real problem stands in the price tag, which ranges anywhere from $1000 to around $1800. There is also a $400 and something version, but that one basically includes plastic keys and this is not what the Optimus Maximus is famous for.

This keyboard is revolutionary and the simple fact that every single key includes an OLED display is something tremendous. You can make every single key look however you want to and even do whatever you want to. You even get an extra 10 keys that you can configure differently. To make it even more special, the Optimus Maximus also comes with an SD memory card slot and a USB hub that you can use in order to store various keyboard settings you want to save. The Optimus Maximus Keyboard only works on Microsoft Windows Vista, MAC 10.5.1 and Windows XP.

Here is one video of an interview that was published on with the creator of the keyboard


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